LETTONIE - RUSSIE, Traités et documents de base

To the members of the United States Senate:

Meeting of the Representatives of the Baltic States Riga, Republic of Latvia September 28, 1990 To the members of the United States Senate:

On September 12, 1990, the Two-Plus-Four Treaty was signed in Moscow as a result of negotiations on Germany’s reunification. On September 13, 1990, a bilateral Treaty on "Goodneighborliness, partnership and co-operation" was initiated in Moscow by the Soviet Union and the Federal Republic of Germany. Proceeding from those documents and taking into account the results of the Helsinki 90 Summit between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Baltic States welcome the reunification of Germany.

However, Article 2 of the Soviet-German Treaty of September 13, 1990, contains principles that may be considered as acknowledging the Conquest of the Baltic States by the Soviet Union towards the end of World War II.

The Baltic States draw attention to the dangers inherent in the unconditional ratification of Two-Plus_Four Treaty, which should settle the problems and borders of Germany, but should not be allowed to freeze the USSR western borders in further bilateral treaties, Thus perpetuating a dangerous precedent.

The Baltic States further consider that border issues in post-war Europe should not be solved only on the basis of Soviet territorial claims without participation of the Baltic States, but by opportunities provided within the framework of the CSCE process, and through negotiations with the Two-Plus-Four participant states.

The rapid formation of a new security structure in Europe, based on bilateral treaties requires us to ask the United States Senate to express its sense in a legally binding conditional form as to the Two-Plus-Four Treaty and the United States’ non-recognition policy in regard to the forceful incorporation of the Baltic States into the Soviet Union.

Endel Lippmaa
On behalf of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Estonia

Andrejs Krastins
On behalf of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia

Ceslovas Stankevicius
On behalf of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania

photocopy from original from the Popular Front of Latvia .


  • , Suisse Romande, 30 novembre 2000 Mise à jour: 30 novembre 2000
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