LETTONIE - RUSSIE, Traités et documents de base

Tallin May 14, 1989 : Resolution of the Baltic Assembly on the Events in Georgia on April 9, 1989

Resolution of the Baltic Assembly on the Events in Georgia on April 9, 1989

The bloody reprisals in Tbilisi against peaceful citizens, women and children of Georgia call for a sharp condemnation of these reprisals by all democratic and peace-loving forces.

The Baltic Assembly calls on the Soviet government to do everything possible to restore justice: to immediately release those detained without any guilt; to conduct the investigation of this crime under conditions of full openness; to make public the names of the persons who prepared this bloody provocation, gave the order for it to be carried out and so inhumanly fulfilled that order.

We protest against the representatives of the USSR Central Television and the Soviet Army whose activity is aimed at instigating interethnic feud.

We call on all democratic movements, as well as the Congress of the USSR People's Deputies, to join us in those demands.

Tallinn, May l4th, 1989

the Council of Representatives of the Popular Front of Estonia
the Duma of the Popular Front of Latvia
the Seimas of the Lithuanian Reform Movement Sajudis

Baltic Assembly, Tallin, May 13-14, 1989, Popular Front of Estonia, Valgus Publishers 1989


  • , Suisse Romande, 30 novembre 2000 Mise à jour: 30 novembre 2000
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